Hey Everyone.
Well Its been either hot or raining, with nothing in between. Since I don't like to hike in ninety five degree weather and the trout fishing isn't usually the best this time of year I have found a few ways to spend my summer days. I have recently taken up the hobby of gold prospecting and found that standing waist deep in a river shoveling dirt is a great way to spend a hot day. Ive been doing a little fly fishing for bass as well. Catching a small mouth bass on a four weight fly rod can be quite a challenge and a thrill, though I catch mostly small bream. This is great practice for the fall though. One of my favorite things Ive been doing is spending time with my daughter. Taking her to a museum is a great way to get out of the heat and it also gives me a chance to be dad and teach her about bugs, birds, fish, and anything else that she my ask about. Her favorite thing to say is "I want to touch it" even if its a diamond back rattle snake. I did let her pet a corn snake though. I hope you all have found a way to beat the heat and have some fun. I just keep telling myself fall is just around the corner.

See you on the trail,